søndag 30. september 2012

JavaFX 2.2 - The Swing Replacement

JavaFX started its life as DOA. Dead On Arrival. Rumors of being slow, its own script language, RIA competitor, etc. There was no reason to waste time having a look at it. There was no reason to use it since RIA software began a decline.

The new v2.0 was released October last year with nobody noticing. When the new version, v.2.2 released this summer, I sat down and had a look at it. Having previously worked on a  Java Swing project, I had to have a look, and I was surprised of all the new features..

mandag 10. september 2012

HTML5 Websocket with Apache Camel

  I have made a few HTML5 Websocket examples with Apache Camel 2.10, Spring 3, Dojo Toolkit 1.7.3, and Maven. The applicaton is made runnable as a Servlet, making the demo portable.

It is very simple to make a websocket application with Apache Camel. That is actually crazy since Apache Camel is an integration framework, made for dead boring jobs of making boring computer systems communicate with each other.
Actually - Apache Camel is boring... until I discovered all the crazy possibilities with Camel.

søndag 9. september 2012


Why yet another blog about technical stuff Java?

First of I would like to create a place where I can drop in "notes to myself". I do figure out stuff, or find stuff on the internet which I find useful. All of this end up in my brain which is quite a crowded place already, and it is getting harder to remember all of this when our silly industry happens to create loads of exciting stuff every day.

I am an norwegian Java developer, and have been so since 2007. Previous I have worked with technical IT support and have had computers as my hobby since 1995.

Java No Makanaikata is Japanese, and I think it translate to something like "Java Cook". Its hard to create useful blog addresses when everything is pretty much taken :)

v1.1 - 09.sept.2012